Fair Work Act 2009 Fair Dismissal Code
The Fair Work Act 2009 sets out the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code which defines the circumstances where summary dismissal is warranted, the steps an employer should take in respect to the performance management of an under performing employee and most importantly a checklist to follow in dealing with the dismissal of an employee.
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Policy Writers Beware of False Promises!!
From a recent seminar that I attended at Jackson MacDonald Lawyers I learned that as a rule of thumb for policy writers – make sure that you do not use “promissory language” in your policy writing where you do not intend creating an obligation on the employer to provide additional benefits to its employees: and […]
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Find out what you need to know about the Fair Work Act 2009 and how it impacts your workplace and your relationships with your employees and their industrial representatives.
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“The Walrus & the Carpenter” by Lewis Carrol
For those of you that have some spare time to read I believe that this is a ripping yarn!
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Bereavement Leave
Bereavement leave is an entitlement that not only applies to full time and part time employees, it also applies to casual staff as well. Find out whether casuals are entitled to paid bereavement leave in our full articles on this site.
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Portability of Leave Entitlements (Local Government)
Sorting your way through the issues of portability of sick leave and long service leave in Local Government in WA can sometimes be difficult, especially when a transferring employee may have broken their continuity of service between leaving the employ of one Local Government and commencing employment with another.
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Higher Duties Allowance (Local Government)
When employers require employees to relieve in a higher position than their normal position to cover absences of senior staff, there is a legitimate expectation on the part of the relieving employee that they will receive some form of recompense for this work in the form of a Higher Duties Allowance.
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Recall to Work – Overtime
One sure fire way to upset an employee is to call him out from his bed to perform overtime after hours and then the payroll officer calculates the overtime payments incorrectly resulting in an underpayment of wages and the inevitable argument with the employee about what should have been paid.
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Sexual Harassment – Stop!! Think!! Don’t Go There!!
Sexual Harassment is more common in the workplace than you may think. What some people try to pass off as mere friendly workplace banter can actually be sexual harassment. Avoid this and other pitfalls by reading our articles on this and other important subjects.
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Managing Problem Employees in the Workplace (Warnings Dismissal & Summary Dismissal)
Managing poor performance and serious misconduct in the workplace is stressful and disruptive and can lead to successful unfair dismissal claims against employers if these matters are not managed correctly. Please read our guidelines on these important issues.
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